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Where to Focus Your Home Renovations

Renovating your home is a big task. You might be overwhelmed by the possibilities, wondering where to start, what your options are, where to focus your efforts. Do you just want a better use of your space or substantial overhauls to your home’s appearance? Your first step is deciding where to start.

Here are a few strategies for focusing your renovations to give you the most value and practicality for your efforts.

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1.   Start building a comprehensive plan.

When renovating, you don’t want to start work on a whim. There are reasons after all why you want to improve your home, and without a comprehensive plan in place before you start, you can lose focus on your overall goals or run into problems that make your efforts less valuable.

That’s why you need to start with a thorough plan that identifies exactly what your problem areas are, what you want fixed, and what you want to stay the same. Go room by room, considering each element of the room from floor to ceiling. Begin drafting your dreams, then focus on the following steps to ensure you take practical measures when renovating.

2.   Don’t forget the basics.

Before you even consider the aesthetics, determine what you can do to enhance the basic structure and functionality of your home. Do you have leaks? Old plumbing? Electrical issues? A room can look a lot different with a simple coat of paint, but maximizing the functionality of a space will increase your home value and save you money in maintenance down the line.

Plan your renovations to create a seamless home with good insulation and water-proofing to cut your risk of damages and set up your other renovations for long-term durability and success.

3.  Define the issues you want to resolve.

Maybe it goes without saying, but planning out your renovations around specific problems can be a lot more effective than simply designing the home you want. A renovation plan that focuses on why you want to improve your home forces you to analyze practical solutions.

Do you need more space? Do you want a lighter, brighter property? Are you finding lack of storage options an issue?

Write down all the problems you are facing in your current layout, then ensure the renovation plan you come up with resolves each and every item. You want a home that will adapt to you and your family and fulfill your needs long-term. Designing simply for aesthetic benefits won’t necessarily
maximize the functionality of your space.

4.  Compare your list of issues to the renovations you want.

Now that you have a thorough list of the issues you want resolved in each room of your home, you want an equally thorough list of wanted and needed renovations that you can compare it to.

Drafting this new renovation inventory after identifying all your home’s problem areas will help you build a design plan that fills all your needs. It also helps you think about how you can use the space you have to achieve the things you want.

Do you have a guest bedroom that is rarely used and a dream home with more living space or a home office? You may see these items together and consider where walls can be taken down or spaces adjusted to get you the home you imagine while keeping your budget in the realm of possibility.

By comparing your lists, you can identify strategies for maximizing the effectiveness of your existing home to meet your needs.

5. Maximize the space you have.

Do you have areas of your home you’re rarely in? Does your family avoid a space or not use it to its capacity? Do you have attic, basement, or even garage space that you simply aren’t using or aren’t using well?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then these are the perfect areas to focus your renovations. Maximizing your existing space means working with what you have on a reasonable budget, and it can turn your home into your dream home at a fraction of the cost of home extensions.

For example, you may be able to convert basement or attic space into storage or even that rarely used spare bedroom, giving you the space you need in the areas of your home you want it in. Then you can consider how you might alter that space, potentially removing dividing walls to make that space more open and inviting or reorganizing for better flow.

6.  Integrate your storage.

Maximizing your space means integrating storage options into your renovation design. You want storage spaces that are both out of the way and convenient.

Consider building shelving into walls and alcoves where it makes sense. Use that garage space to create storage areas that will allow for convenient and organized storage. Rearrange closets and linen cabinets to maximize your space efficiency.

Integrating your home storage in an efficient way can help you make the most efficient use of your space and keep your home clean and clutter-free.

7.  Enhance your natural lighting.

Now that you have a plan in place to get all the space you need, you want to focus on how to increase the natural light in your home.

Natural light can be transformative in any room, making spaces appear larger, warmer, and more inviting. Depending on your location you may have to consider privacy, climate, and other factors when renovating for natural lighting, but you should always make it a priority.

Where privacy or more centrally located rooms are concerned, consider options like skylights and tube lights. Skylights can be immensely valuable in keeping heating and lighting costs low, while also giving you the health benefits of additional sunlight in your home at all times of the year. For rooms that aren’t on ceiling level, tube lights are a great option that reflect daylight down into the room. These can be combined with lighting fixtures to double as electric lighting, saving space and maximizing efficiency.

These focused renovation strategies will make your renovations meaningful.

By following these strategies when planning your renovations, you can create a home that is efficient and beautiful, carefully crafted to your family’s needs over time.

If you’re feeling daunted at the prospect of renovation, don’t hesitate to reach out for professional advice. Remember, efficient renovations are worth the time and help to do a great job.

For more information on home renovations and maximizing your property values, contact 208.properties today.

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