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Multifamily Unit Design Trends to Win 2022

As many as 39 million people in the United States live in apartments. This means 1 in 8 people, occupying markets all over the country.

It follows then that around 1 in 8 design trends emerges out of multifamily units. These are trends that are now taking over multifamily investment properties as owners pivot standards to meet the expectations of modern renters.

The COVID-19 pandemic changed the ways we use space. With these changes come shifts in lifestyle that demand different apartment designs.

Here’s what you need to know about the multifamily unit trends set to win 2022 and beyond.

Prioritizing Tenant Health and Safety

In the midst of all the pandemic’s challenges, maintaining community value in a multifamily property while promoting tenant safety has been difficult. After all, apartment complexes can make socially distancing hard in narrow hallways and breezeways.

Yet, cultivating a multifamily investment means ensuring that a sense of positive community can grow there, otherwise you’ll end up with high rates of turnover. That said, investments in safe, communal spaces for tenants are a winning design for the upcoming year.

Outdoor spaces are more valuable to renters than previously, now that pandemic shutdowns have illustrated the importance of accessible, private escapes. Meanwhile, separated seating and workout areas can still help build a sense of community while making it possible to distance socially.

Health and safety upgrades like these that do not sacrifice community can translate to value for renters. Consider designs that promote safe gatherings for a higher ROI.

Adjusting to the New Normal

Then, it’s important to think about the ways life has changed for many of your renters. A multifamily unit attracts all demographics — from working single mothers to retirees. To give these renters everything they’ll need for a post-pandemic lifestyle, you’ll have to consider what that means.

For instance, the pandemic shifted much of our day-to-day activities to a virtual format. Zoom meetings have become a staple of many of our lives. Our digital interaction grows as we socially distance.

Translating these changes into value for multifamily unit renters means designing a space that can function for tenants’ virtual as well as physical needs. This means a pivot away from open floor plans towards more separated, private rooms where tenants can work or attend classes comfortably.

In addition to physical layout changes — adding walls or creating built-in work nooks and dedicated social media areas — investors should consider investments in digital infrastructure. Ensure your building can host lightning-fast internet with minimal dead spots, and you’ll have satisfied tenants.

Adding Trending Features

Finally, there are the amenities and features trending as a result of social media and the pandemic normal that multifamily developers should note. These are design trends that cater to tenant comfort in the COVID-era.

First, courtyards are in as a way to create an open feel for an apartment complex. Investors with the land should focus on making this area as well-optimized for socially distanced gatherings as possible.

Then, it’s important to serve the needs of your four-legged renters. Pets were one of the big winners of pandemic shifts, with remote workers now better positioned to train and care for an animal. As a result, renters love the option to own a pet in a building that can accommodate them.

From a design perspective, this means incorporating pet areas and clean-up stations. You can even consider dog washes or built-in pet nooks within apartment interiors for additional value.

Bottom Line

These features and more will bring untold benefits to your future renters. Whether you’re a developer planning the optimal new construction or a long-time owner looking to renovate, these are the design trends that can win 2022 and beyond.

For more information on renovations, remodels, and real estate investment, look for more 208.properties insights.

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