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Conducting a Sustainable Home Renovation

We all want to save money on energy. Fortunately, doing so often comes with the added benefit of reducing environmental impact. As you remodel your home, look for ways to do both.

The market for clean energy home products is only growing. Meanwhile, the price of renewables has fallen 80% in a little over a decade. This means sustainability can fit your renovation budget — with the right materials. As you explore sustainable options for your home, focus on three elements: conserving resources, increasing efficiency, and maximizing home health.

Conserve Resources

Conserving your resources is the first and easiest aspect of sustainable home renovation. You can achieve this at just about every turn — from the materials you choose to the upgrades you make.  

Conserving resources starts with exploring your options. These are some of the steps you can take during a remodel to reduce your use of materials, power, and water:

  •        Use reclaimed materials.

Reclaimed or recycled materials can be used for just about any aspect of your remodel. For example, you might use reclaimed wood for trim, second-hand furniture for décor, or even recycled fireproofed denim as insulation.

Secondhand stores and organizations like Habitat for Humanity are all about promoting cleaner, cheaper living through recycled materials. You can find the resources you need without having to buy brand new products.

Conserve resources and cut down on your budget with reclaimed materials. As a result, you’ll have a more sustainable home renovation.

  •         Update your appliances.

Appliances are a big draw for water and power. In fact, according to the EPA, we can all use at least 20% less water at home just by installing upgraded fixtures. That’s because older appliances were not built to conserve water and energy. Toilets, for instance, waste plenty of water and money. However, the average family can save 13,000 gallons and $130 in water costs each year just by replacing toilets with WaterSense models.

Similarly, refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, and more can be upgraded to conserve resources. These upgrades are an investment and can pay for themselves in savings.

  •         Improve your plumbing.

Plumbing is another area of any home where lots of waste can occur. Sometimes, you’ll get a leak without even knowing it, causing water to seep beneath your home and cost you money. Additionally, the efficiency of your plumbing can cause problems.  

Improve your plumbing to save water, power, and money. A tankless water heater, for instance, can instantly provide hot water without having to consume vast amounts of energy storing and warming it. If you’re doing a thorough renovation, improving your plumbing is a must. You’ll be able to save water and get a return on your investment through sustainable upgrades.  

These are just three of the many ways you can conserve resources by renovating your home. For a more sustainable remodel, explore ways to enhance your energy efficiency.

Increase Your Efficiency

One of the best ways to promote sustainability in a home renovation is to think about the ways you can increase your energy efficiency. Light, heat, and power are all core components of home efficiency. Enhance yours with upgrades like the following:

  •         Increase your natural light.

To improve your use of power, look to your windows. Not everyone will be able to enhance their natural lighting with window upgrades. Your home design or location may make this difficult. However, there are always steps you can take to maximize the natural light in your home.

 Consider the paint you use. Lighter, reflective colors can make a space brighter and keep you from using electricity. Additionally, mirrors can be used to reflect limited window light. You can even rig reflectors to bring in light from upper floors. Find the right tricks for you and enhance your home’s natural lighting.

  •       Enhance your insulation.

Then, consider your insulation. Every home loses heating or cooling as air seeps through to the outside. With effective insulation, you’ll lose a lot less.  Start by sealing doors and windows with caulking and weather strips. Keep air from escaping wherever you can, then turn to your attic. A radiant barrier can block heat from getting in or out.

Meanwhile, use recycled materials to improve wall and attic insulation for a green home design. Efficient insulation saves you money and energy.

  •         Install solar panels.

Finally, consider installing solar panels. These energy generators are getting cheaper all the time. You may even be able to get them free through subsidies and green home programs.  

Explore the potential of generating your own energy through the power of the sun. This can be a great way to become energy independent and save on your power bill. As a result, you’ll have a home powered by clean energy.

 Build a more energy-efficient home by taking these steps during a remodel. Anything you can do to save energy will come back to you as money in the bank. Then, look for ways to maximize your home health through sustainable renovations.

Maximize Home Health

Home health is another aspect of sustainability that can lead to benefits for you and your family. At the same time, many of these features support environmental health.

 While you plan your home renovations, consider enhancing the health of your home through sustainable design practices. These include:

  •         Minimalize.

Minimalism is a component of interior design that focuses on limiting clutter, furniture, and items. It maximizes the potential of a space and keeps you from filling your home with unnecessary features. For a minimalist approach, keep to the essentials. Use reclaimed materials, and enhance the natural aspects of your space such as lighting.

  •         Use smart home devices.

Then, consider smart home devices. These go far beyond Alexa and can make a real difference on your utility bills. For instance, smart home devices include thermostats, HVAC systems, leak detection modules, and more. Each of these can be paired to your phone to give you real-time insight into your home’s efficiency.

Consider integrating smart tools as you renovate a home. Using modern technology, you can maximize your green potential.

  •        Improve your air quality.

Last but not least, enhance your air quality using a combination of clean materials. From no-VOC paints to formaldehyde-free cabinets, the resources you use make a difference in the cleanliness of your air.  Build a home your family can thrive in. Take into account the impact each material you use has on the air you breathe. Then, use smart filters and air quality controls to improve your air quality further.  

You can make a truly green and healthy home using the right resources. These are just a few simple approaches to getting there. Start by auditing your home’s health and energy efficiency, then plan green upgrades.


Through resource conservation, energy efficiency, and greater home health, you can maximize your home’s sustainability. In turn, you’ll gain benefits in the form of savings and family health.


Take the first steps towards a green home today. For more renovation and remodel tips, explore these construction insights from 208.properties.

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