Optimizing Time Management as a Property Manager

As a property manager, time is often one of your biggest obstacles to greater success.

Whether it’s getting parts for necessary maintenance in a timely fashion or addressing tenant concerns the moment they come up, there’s a lot that eats into your daily hours. To stay sane and productive, you’ll need to develop a time optimization strategy that boosts the level of value you derive from your day. 

That said, here are some leadership strategies for optimizing your time management. Use these tips to streamline your workflow, eliminate distractions, and maximize your potential.

Build a team you can trust

Your ability to succeed is so often influenced by the team you assemble around you. A team you can trust is a team you can delegate to, meaning you can better cut down on your own workload so that you can focus on bigger picture items.

Delegation is a core leadership skill in property management, one you’ll need as you grow your portfolio. As a property manager, you’ll need contractors, agents, accountants, and more that you can trust to work with you for better business and community outcomes.

Ensure that you develop a diverse team that embraces empathy and emotional intelligence as you staff a winning management company. Getting the little stuff off your plate allows you to pivot your focus to driving revenue and business growth. But you need a host of voices and skillsets to make the most of your opportunities.

Align your day-to-day tasks with your larger goals and values

Another great method for optimizing time management is to align your day-to-day tasks in a framework of your larger goals and values.

By this, we mean prioritize tasks that will take you further towards your goals. For instance, everyone has foundational values that serve as their motivators. These are personal and professional objectives that we each set for ourselves. They might include making room for more family time or developing true financial dependence through business success.

Whatever your driving goals, you’ll find yourself using time more efficiently as you focus on these and how the day-to-day work gets you there. Additionally, this provides a simple framework to gauge which work to delegate and what to keep to yourself.

Foster space for opportunity

From here, you need to foster space in your personal and professional life for opportunities to present themselves. This means rounding out your schedule with fulfilling activities and community engagement.

Every property manager depends on their network of community connections and expertise. From real estate agents to city planners, the range of professionals out there who can share their know-how with you is ever-expanding.

Craft a schedule that allows you to focus on your passions as well as community improvement. For instance, Boise Bicycle Project is a nonprofit dedicated to enhancing the community through providing bicycles and repair services. If you love riding a bike, engaging with this nonprofit could be a way to give back while connecting with the larger community.

Space in your schedule for opportunity is one of the best gifts you can give yourself as a property manager. Not only will this give you time to de-stress but it can also help you cultivate the networks and experiences needed for greater success.

Bottom line

As you approach your future as a property manager, you need all the help you can get in optimizing your time management. Fortunately, delegation, goal-framing, and making room for new opportunities all will help you grow value and focus on healthy efficiency. 

Look for ways to step back and make connections for a more fulfilling schedule. In the meantime, search for tasks you can delegate to your team for a more streamlined process.

For more information on property management and real estate investment, follow 208.properties on social media orcontact us here.