A Step-by-Step Guide to Moving with Kids and Pets

Moving is a monumental task, and when you throw kids and pets into the mix, it can feel like you're orchestrating a grand symphony. However, with careful planning and consideration, you can transform the chaos into a harmonious experience. 

Here's a step-by-step guide to make your move with kids and pets as stress-free as possible:

Step 1: Before the Move

Moving with Kids

Early Communication: Give your children ample time to absorb the idea of moving. Discuss the upcoming changes, answer their questions, and address their concerns.

Introduce the New Space: If feasible, show your kids their new home and neighborhood. Familiarize them with schools, parks, and other attractions to build excitement.

Active Participation: Involve your kids in the preparation process. Let them contribute ideas for decorating their new room, making them feel part of the journey.

Moving with Pets

Car Familiarity: If traveling by car, acclimate your pets by taking short drives in the weeks leading up to the move.

Check Airline Policies: If flying, double-check airline pet policies and ensure all necessary arrangements are in place.

Vet Visit: Schedule a vet visit about a month before the move. Discuss anxiety medications if needed.

Step 2: Moving Day

Moving with Kids

Babysitter Arrangements: Consider hiring a babysitter to keep your kids occupied in a separate space. This minimizes disruptions and emotional stress.

Pack Favorites: Ensure your kids' favorite belongings are packed separately for quick access at the new house, providing them with a sense of comfort.

Moving with Pets

Pet Sitter or Secluded Space: Arrange for a pet sitter or designate a quiet room to keep pets away from the hustle and bustle.

Comfort and Entertainment: Take breaks to attend to your pets, leaving them with familiar toys for comfort and entertainment.

Step 3: After the Move

Moving with Kids

Unpack Kids' Essentials First: Prioritize unpacking your children's belongings. Keep their room layout familiar and fun to ease the transition.

Maintain Routines: Stick to family routines as closely as possible. Whether it's a weekly movie night or a bedtime story, maintaining these rituals provides stability.

Moving with Pets

Routine Continuity: Keep pet beds and food dishes in familiar locations. Stick to their regular meal times and update their collar tags with the new address.

Microchip Update: If your pets are microchipped, update the information with your new address and phone number.

While moving with children and pets may never be entirely stress-free, following this guide helps minimize chaos. Prioritizing routines, maintaining familiarity, and staying attentive to your family members' needs ensures a smoother transition. 

For additional tips on moving, renting, and more, connect with 208.properties on social media or reach out to us today.